About Nathaniel

The name of my blog comes from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot. Truth be told, I’ve never read that particular piece all the way through and I couldn’t even tell you what it is about. I know that it is 130 lines long and the only two I know are the ones that became the name of my blog. Those lines were the opening to a book I read once on an overseas adventure and they kind of stuck in my head as appropriate for my life as an edgy and unsolicited commenter on everything.

I’m a musically-inclined Christian sports enthusiast who just happens to be a world-traveller. That’s me in about a dozen words. I’m a native New Yorker who moved to Georgia, went to college in Missouri and is back living in Georgia having earned a degree from Mizzou. I work for a nonprofit organization called SafeRide America and love what I do. I developed a passion for preventing impaired driving while working for STRIPES in college and have turned it into a job that I enjoy.

People sometimes ask me what I am good at, but I don’t know if I would say that I’m really good at any one thing, but rather I’m pretty good at a whole bunch of things. I come from a musical family and have dabbled in a handful of instruments in addition to singing. I’m a passable trumpet, french horn and guitar player and I’ve recently taken up trying to learn the piano, but I’m not even pretty good at that yet!

I sing in my church choir which I enjoy. I’m in a throw-together band called the JB Trio which has never actually performed with three members. There’s four of us and we’ve performed a couple times with just two. We play a lot of classic rock songs along with some original material.

I’ve always enjoyed sports and would consider myself somewhat of an athlete. I’m a little bigger now than I was in high school and middle school, but can still join in just about any game and be an asset. I enjoy basketball, baseball, football, volleyball and running among others.

My favorite author is Aussie Matthew Reilly. I picked up one of his books when on vacation in Europe and filled out his collection when I went to Australia. Music-wise I like just about everything although I find myself liking individual songs rather than individual artists. I enjoy classic rock just as much as I enjoy more current pop music. I like to dance, but it’s not one of the things I’m really good at! Or even pretty good, but it’s fun!

I don’t watch a whole lot of TV anymore now that I am employed, but there are a couple of shows I make sure I keep up to date with. NCIS is my all-time favorite television show and it’s not particularly close. I’m a huge Superman fan and got into Smallville early and have thoroughly enjoyed the entire series. I like a clever comedy show too, and am a fan of The Office and Scrubs. I’m usually not a fan of reality TV, but have a soft spot for The Biggest Loser, as it’s helped me lose a few pounds!

  1. hey, you rock dawg

  2. John Marchiony


    Interested in the possibility of using a picture from your blog on a web page.

    Do you own the rights that would allow you to give us permission to use a crowd shot that is this one:

    We’re hoping you would say yes by the end of the week.


    John Marchiony

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